What Can A Business Owner Learn From A Magician?
My name is Craig and I am a magician. I do magic, if you are really that interested here is a video of what I do!
Allow me to be honest for a minute - magicians as a general rule are terrible business people. Now I am aware that I am generalising and that there are some magicians that are fantastic business owners. However this is the exception rather than the rule.
Most magicians forget that when it comes to Show Business there are two words 'Show' and 'Business'. Magicians will happily spend hours learning a new move to help with the show side of things but they will spend next to no time or energy improving their business.
I met a magician the other day who is technically very gifted and also very respected within the magic community. I asked him what he does to generate leads; he told me he does nothing and hopes that the phone will ring. This is a very common attitude among the magic community.
This is one of the reasons myself and my company have been so successful. We aren't doing anything special, all we are doing is putting in place systems and procedures to ensure that the company runs smoothly. I have competitors call me all the time asking for help and advice and when I tell them what they need to do, they rarely listen.
The irony h